Budget allotment for Parramatta focuses on improving public transportation

It has been 10 months since the last council elections in Parramatta and as expected, those who have been elected are pretty busy with proving their worth to the community. The winners of last year’s Parramatta council elections have been hard-pressed with community projects and their most recent venture is already kicking off. Recent news in the region could be forcing the councilors to be a lot busier too.

According to recent reports, Parramatta is being eyed to be a public transport hub for western Sydney, which could help boost the community’s economy. The winners of the Parramatta council elections could be tasked with the projects that could help the local government secure this goal. Alternatively, now would be the perfect time for future and current candidates to make a name for themselves for a seat in the council.

Parramatta will be given a whopping $50 billion to spend on road and rail projects to kickstart the shift into becoming a transport hub for western Sydney. On the other hand, train and light rail users will be getting their hands on $14.4 billion of taxpayer funds to help with the projects as well. More funds are expected to be placed for the project in the coming years.

For now, the local Parramatta government will be given $3 billion to begin the work on Metro West which will be a new underground rail line that could tremendously cut travel times from the CBD to Parramatta. The winners of the Parramatta council elections will be a crucial part of this project as well. Once done, the underground rail line will take its riders from CBD to Parramatta in 20 minutes.

Aside from this, $4 billion will be spent on finishing the rest of the Metro network. This rail line in northwest Sydney is due to open next year. It might come just in time for seasons where streets are heavily congested with traffic.

The project is one of those announced during the National Manufacturing Week held last May. It hopes to further improve the streets of Sydney and citizens are very excited for the final output. It may still take a couple of months to finish but luckily, the government is already showing signs of major improvement for their transport projects.

Once completed, we can expect Parramatta and other nearby areas to have lesser traffic. Moreover, it will be easier to traverse through these areas thanks to the new modes of public transportation.

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